#01-1. Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye
#01-2. Lost Treasure of the Emerald
#02-1. The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid
#02-2. The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid
#03-1. The Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House
#03-2. The Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House
#04-1. I’m too Fond of my Fur
#04-2. I’m too Fond of my Fur
#05-1. Four Mice Deep in the Jungle
#05-2. Four Mice Deep in the Jungle
#06-1. Paws Off, Cheddarface!
#06-1. Paws Off, Cheddarface!
#07-1. Red Pizzas for a Blue Count
#07-2. Red Pizzas for a Blue Count
#08-1. Attack of the Bandit Cats
#08-2 Attack of the Bandit Cats
#09. A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo
#10-1. All Because of a Cup of Coffee
#10-2. All Because of a Cup of Coffee